Episode 69: The Passing of a President

George H.W. Bush passed away last week and we remember his presidency & discuss his legacy. Michael Cohen & Paul Manafort are back in legal trouble and that might be a bad sign for Trump. After some early problems, Nancy Pelosi was nominated by the House Democrats to be Speaker of the House. Finally, Beto O'Rourke & Sherrod Brown are the most recent front runners for the Democratic nomination…but will they stay at the top?

Episode 66: A Bad Week for Trump

Our thoughts go out to the McCain family as we remember one the great Senators of our time. Paul Manafort was found guilty and Michael Cohen pleaded guilty. Last week was not good for Trump...and this seems to be just the beginning. Taking the lead from the head of his party, Rep. Duncan Hunter, along with his wife, have been indicted for using campaign funds for personal expenses. Will they ever learn? The Trump administration has revoked former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance and threatening to do it to more. Trump's enemy list is becoming for apparent by the day. Rudy Giuliani says that truth isn't truth...but he's Rudy Giuliani, so take that with a grain of salt. Finally, the Trump Administration is rolling back environmental regulations rather than updated current facilities. Hopefully everyone enjoys more smog. 

Episode 59: Pardons, Lies & Tariffs

Trump pardoned conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza and stated he could pardon himself as well. Is that legal? That might end up being a decision for the Supreme Court. The New York Times obtained a copy Trump team memo to Robert Mueller. In it, we learn that the Trump administration lied, though Sarah Huckabee Sanders can't talk about it. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort attempted to tamper with potential witnesses and Mueller revoke his release conditions. Trump announced tariffs on steel and aluminum - Canada, France and the EU are not happy. Finally,  former Speaker of the House John Boehner laments the end of the GOP and the rise of the Trump Party.

Episode 36: Elections & Indictments

Jesse & Kevin are absolutely exhausted following yesterday's election. Since we're still recovering, we bring you a shorter episode of the podcast this week. We discuss the end of our campaigns for Town Council & Board of Education, what yesterday's gubernatorial elections mean for 2018 & how Michael Flynn might be next on Robert Mueller's list.

Episode 34: Executive Orders & Nuclear Agreements

Trump & Mitch McConnell want us to believe that they're best buddies, but we're not buying it. Trump continues to attack all things Obama, this time with an Executive Order focused on the ACA & by pulling the U.S. out of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Trump hopes to pass tax reform by the end of the year, but is that a realistic time frame? Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has been linked to a Russian oligarch. Is that just another coincidence? Finally, Senator Dianne Feinstein is facing a primary challenge in her bid for reelection. Is that a good thing?