Episode 39: Propaganda from the White House

Michael Flynn took a plea deal from Robert Mueller. Is the next domino about to fall? The Senate GOP tax bill was passed in the early hours of Saturday morning. But will it help or hurt the middle class? Congress has until Friday to prevent the government from shutting down. Can both sides find a compromise? Finally, the Trump promoted propaganda, accused a morning show host of murder & called a senator Pocahontas...yeah, it was that kind of week. 

Episode 36: Elections & Indictments

Jesse & Kevin are absolutely exhausted following yesterday's election. Since we're still recovering, we bring you a shorter episode of the podcast this week. We discuss the end of our campaigns for Town Council & Board of Education, what yesterday's gubernatorial elections mean for 2018 & how Michael Flynn might be next on Robert Mueller's list.

Episode 13: Trump Tweets, Government Shutdown, Border Wall & Jason Chaffetz

This week the government faces a shutdown, Trump delayed the border wall, health care reform came back, Jason Chaffetz announced his retirement, Jeff Sessions offended Hawaii & France held it's presidential election.

Episode 9: Trump Tweets, Environmental Woes, Flynn's Immunity & Nunes No-Nos

This week Donald Trump continued to alienate Democrats and added in The Freedom Caucus for good measure. He then declared war on the New York Times and the Clintons (again). Additionally, Devin Nunes continues to dig himself a deeper hole, Mike Flynn wants immunity, the Gorsuch filibuster will likely arrive next week, environmental policies are under attack, Ivanka has an official job & a Democrat might actually win GA-6. Our sound quality was a little off this episode due to our special guest - our regular sound quality will be back next episode!