Episode 69: The Passing of a President

George H.W. Bush passed away last week and we remember his presidency & discuss his legacy. Michael Cohen & Paul Manafort are back in legal trouble and that might be a bad sign for Trump. After some early problems, Nancy Pelosi was nominated by the House Democrats to be Speaker of the House. Finally, Beto O'Rourke & Sherrod Brown are the most recent front runners for the Democratic nomination…but will they stay at the top?

Episode 66: A Bad Week for Trump

Our thoughts go out to the McCain family as we remember one the great Senators of our time. Paul Manafort was found guilty and Michael Cohen pleaded guilty. Last week was not good for Trump...and this seems to be just the beginning. Taking the lead from the head of his party, Rep. Duncan Hunter, along with his wife, have been indicted for using campaign funds for personal expenses. Will they ever learn? The Trump administration has revoked former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance and threatening to do it to more. Trump's enemy list is becoming for apparent by the day. Rudy Giuliani says that truth isn't truth...but he's Rudy Giuliani, so take that with a grain of salt. Finally, the Trump Administration is rolling back environmental regulations rather than updated current facilities. Hopefully everyone enjoys more smog. 

Episode 65: Get Me A Coke

Surprise! Michael Cohen taped conversations with Donald Trump and now Trump may have to worry about campaign finance violations. Trump also called on Jeff Sessions to stop the Russia hoax witch hunt, though Sarah Huckabee Sanders says it was an opinion, not an order. Rudy Giuliani continues his slow descent into madness with several confusing media appearances. The conspiracy group, QAnon, has started popping up at Trump rallies, which is pretty disturbing. Finally, North Korea continues to build missiles that can reach the U.S., but the administration is too busy praising Kim Jong-un to care.

Episode 57: Russia, North Korea & Rudy

The Senate Intelligence Committee released 2,500 pages of congressional testimony related to the 2016 Trump Tower meeting, and it doesn't make the Trump administration look good. North Korea might be pulling out of talks with the U.S., which teaches us to not count our chickens before they hatch. Rudy Giuliani has been on a media blitz and each interview is more disastrous than the one before. Trump has pulled the U.S. out of the Iranian nuclear deal and the world is less safe because of it. A White House aide said something truly heinous about Senator John McCain, but the Trump administration refuses to apologize. Finally, Gina Haspel is hoping to be confirmed as CIA director, but her past actions might prevent it.

Episode 55: Funerals, Lies & Pardons

Today is the special election for AZ-8. Republicans will likely win the district, but still come out as losers. President George H.W. Bush is in the office, just a few days after his wife's funeral and we wish him a speedy recovery. Trump claims that he's never spent a night in Russia, but new information says differently. Michael Cohen hasn't been convicted of anything yet, but the White House might already be planning to pardon him. Trump went on another tweet storm over the weekend and it was as ridiculous as usual. Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson's nomination to run Veterans Affairs might be in trouble & Trump isn't exactly helping him. Finally, Sean Hannity has another shady business deal. The hits just keep on coming.

Episode 54: Raids & Retirements

Our thoughts go out to the Bush family, who lost matriarch Barbara today. McConnell doesn't think there's a need for a bill to protect Mueller, so he's refusing to bring one to the Senate floor. The offices and home of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen were raided last week. Now we wait to see what, if anything, they found. Paul Ryan is getting out while the getting is good and retiring in January. What does that mean for the House Republicans? James Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos finally aired - do you think it lived up to the hype? Trump ordered missile strikes on Syria, but was it a strategic or political move? Finally, the Department of Homeland Security plans on tracking media professionals and influencers - where do we rank on that list?