Episode 65: Get Me A Coke

Surprise! Michael Cohen taped conversations with Donald Trump and now Trump may have to worry about campaign finance violations. Trump also called on Jeff Sessions to stop the Russia hoax witch hunt, though Sarah Huckabee Sanders says it was an opinion, not an order. Rudy Giuliani continues his slow descent into madness with several confusing media appearances. The conspiracy group, QAnon, has started popping up at Trump rallies, which is pretty disturbing. Finally, North Korea continues to build missiles that can reach the U.S., but the administration is too busy praising Kim Jong-un to care.

Episode 63: Kavenaugh, NATO & Pardons

Trump has nominated Brett Kavenaugh to the Supreme Court and his feelings on subpoenas and Special Counsels might have a huge impact on the Mueller investigation. Trump flew to Europe for a NATO summit and immediately accused Germany of being captive to Russia - it sounds like he's projecting his feelings a bit. Trump disparaged a Massachusetts senator, a Republican Senator and former Republican President...while at a rally in Montana. Trump also pardoned ranchers who were convicted of setting a series of fires...because why not? Relations with North Korea took a unfortunate turn and Trump's victory speech might have been a little premature. Finally, some good news! Scott Pruitt is no longer the head of the EPA. Unfortunately, his replacement is just as bad.

Episode 61: Separations, Reports & Lies

Families are being separated at the border & Trump blames congressional democrats. Secretary of Homeland Security Kristjen Nielsen thinks these separations are because of a law & now a policy. They're wrong. The Inspector General’s report was released & Trump claims that it proves there was no Russian collusion. It doesn't. Trump claimed that parents of Korean War soldiers asked him to bring their children home from North Korea. They probably didn't. Rudy Giuliani thinks that Trump might pardon a lot of people after the Mueller investigation. He probably will.

Episode 58: Memorial Day Edition

Last weekend, we served as delegates at the Connecticut State Democratic Convention. We saw a lot and learned even more! Trump sent out a Memorial Day tweet, but seemed more interested in praising himself than truly celebrating the holiday. Trump has invented a new scandal and named it Spygate. He doesn't care if it's actually real as long as his base thinks it is. Immigration continues to be a problem as the U.S. government takes some children away from their families while losing track of others. Trump & King Jong-un continue their will they/won't they relationship, with Trump claiming verifiable sources don't exist. Finally, the NFL has officially ruled on their national anthem policy and it's rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.

Episode 57: Russia, North Korea & Rudy

The Senate Intelligence Committee released 2,500 pages of congressional testimony related to the 2016 Trump Tower meeting, and it doesn't make the Trump administration look good. North Korea might be pulling out of talks with the U.S., which teaches us to not count our chickens before they hatch. Rudy Giuliani has been on a media blitz and each interview is more disastrous than the one before. Trump has pulled the U.S. out of the Iranian nuclear deal and the world is less safe because of it. A White House aide said something truly heinous about Senator John McCain, but the Trump administration refuses to apologize. Finally, Gina Haspel is hoping to be confirmed as CIA director, but her past actions might prevent it.

Episode 50: Crazy Interviews & New Tariffs

Trump is planning to me with Kim Jong-un...what could go wrong? Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg had an interesting week, but was the media irresponsible in how it handled it? Trump economic advisor Gary Cohn announced he is resigning, a sure sign that the White House is not in chaos. Cohn quit due to Trump's policies on steel and aluminum tariffs, which was the straw that broke the camel's back. Kellyanne Conway violated the Hatch Act twice, but the White House is happy to give her a free pass. A few other interesting things happened this week: Trump likes the idea of being president for life, he made bizarre statements regarding gun control, he's being sued by Stormy Daniels & Senator Thad Cochran is retiring.

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Episode 33: Pence Bolts, EPA Repeals & Trump Tweets

In an act of political theater, Mike Pence attends an NFL game, but leaves before it starts. The EPA is repealing an Obama era climate rule,  which will result in more carbon emissions. Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron...or did he (he definitely did)? Trump has started a new Twitter war, this time with GOP Senator Bob Corker. Trump also insinuated that war is on the horizon, though declined to give any specifics. Finally, Trump continues to handle the crisis in Puerto Rico poorly.

Episode 32: Las Vegas, San Juan & Tom Price

Our thoughts & prayers go out to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting. We discuss what happened & try to understand why. As if that wasn't bad enough, Trump has decided that diplomacy is no longer needed when dealing with North Korea. Trump has picked a fight with the mayor of San Juan for not showing enough gratitude, Tom Price resigned over wasting taxpayer money & the GOP is going to give tax reform a try.

Episode 29: Harvey, North Korea & DACA

It's been a week and a half since Hurricane Harvey first hit Houston, but how would you rate the government's response? North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb & continues to test America's patience. Trump plans on ending DACA & people are not happy. Robert Mueller has Trump's original Comey memo & we know know the real seasons he was fired. Finally, we revisit Trump's inflammatory Arizona speech.

Episode 27: Nazis, Russia & North Korea

This episode we discuss the tragic events that happened in Charlottesville over the weekend & Trump's bizarre response. Since then, he's continued to make a bunch of questionable decisions, including disbanding his advisory panels. We also received a little more information out of the Russia scandal & delayed nuclear war with North Korea. Finally, the president started a fight with his own majority leader & Alabama had Senate primary elections.