Episode 33: Pence Bolts, EPA Repeals & Trump Tweets

In an act of political theater, Mike Pence attends an NFL game, but leaves before it starts. The EPA is repealing an Obama era climate rule,  which will result in more carbon emissions. Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron...or did he (he definitely did)? Trump has started a new Twitter war, this time with GOP Senator Bob Corker. Trump also insinuated that war is on the horizon, though declined to give any specifics. Finally, Trump continues to handle the crisis in Puerto Rico poorly.

Episode 32: Las Vegas, San Juan & Tom Price

Our thoughts & prayers go out to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting. We discuss what happened & try to understand why. As if that wasn't bad enough, Trump has decided that diplomacy is no longer needed when dealing with North Korea. Trump has picked a fight with the mayor of San Juan for not showing enough gratitude, Tom Price resigned over wasting taxpayer money & the GOP is going to give tax reform a try.