Episode 68: Election 2018

We’re baaaaaaaack! The election is over, but what does it all mean. We get back into the swing of things discussing the election results and what happens next. We also discuss the ouster of Jeff Sessions from the Department of Justice and the White House’s overreaction to Jim Acosta (oh yeah, they lied, too).

Episode 62: Supreme Court, Russia & Harassment

Huge news with the announced retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. His replacement could shape the court of years to come. John Bolton met with Putin today and set the stage for an upcoming meeting for Trump. Is that a good look for the White House? Members of the Trump administration have experienced different forms of protest in recent weeks and there doesn't look to be a end in sight. Melania Trump wore a controversial jacket last week - was it sending a message or what it just poor planning? There is a war brewing between Trump & the Freedom Caucus, but will they actually stand up to the president? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated long-time congressman Joe Crowley. What does that mean for the future of the Democratic party?


Episode 60: Bad-Faith Justin & Lil' Kim

So much can happen in a week. Prior to the G7 meeting, Trump advocated for bringing Russia back into the meeting (no collusion!), surprising the other world leaders that were attending. After a contentious, but ultimately successful meeting, Trump threw a hissy fit, called Justin Trudeau names & backed out of signing the communique. Later in the week, Trump met with someone more his style - Kim Jong-un. They met, said nice things about each other and accomplished very little. As always, that's a win for the Trump administration. As if that wasn't enough, the Supreme Court ruled that citizens who fail to vote for an extended period of time can be removed from the voter rolls. Democracy at it's finest.

Episode 35: Kelly is Stunned & Bannon Takes on the GOP Establishment

The Trump White House has gone to war with Rep. Frederica Wilson while a Gold Star widow is stuck in the middle. Bannon has declared war on the GOP establishment, but is it more about his ego than his ideology? Democratic candidates are raking in the money. Does that mean they will win in 2018? The Senate has a bipartisan health care bill with enough support to pass. Will Trump actually sign it? Finally, Bernie Sanders is, and will always be, an independent and not a Democrat. Why are we surprised?