Episode 62: Supreme Court, Russia & Harassment

Huge news with the announced retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. His replacement could shape the court of years to come. John Bolton met with Putin today and set the stage for an upcoming meeting for Trump. Is that a good look for the White House? Members of the Trump administration have experienced different forms of protest in recent weeks and there doesn't look to be a end in sight. Melania Trump wore a controversial jacket last week - was it sending a message or what it just poor planning? There is a war brewing between Trump & the Freedom Caucus, but will they actually stand up to the president? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated long-time congressman Joe Crowley. What does that mean for the future of the Democratic party?


Episode 53: Protests, Warmongers & Amazon

Kevin spent a day at the March For Our Lives in Hartford and has a lot to say about it. Trump is taking extreme steps to stop illegal immigration & is sending the military to our southern border. H.R. McMaster & David Shulkin are out. John Bolton & Ronny Jackson are in. Are Scott Pruitt & Jeff Sessions next? Trump has unleashed a torrent of criticism toward Amazon, but he might have been being less than truthful (shocker). Parkland students continue their fight for gun control & man on the right are making this discussion personal. Finally, Trump invited Putin to the White House. That doesn't sound like a good idea.