Episode 46: Redistricting, Retirements & Memos

Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has ordered that congressional districts be redistricted & republicans in the state are not happy. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is retiring early & that might be the beginning of a dangerous trend. Trump's State of the Union speech wasn't a train wreck, but it was more of the same. The GOP memo was finally released & it was a major let down. Finally, Trump might not be meeting with Robert Mueller after all.

Episode 44: Trump & S***hole Countries

Trump only wants immigrants from countries like Norway and not from "s***hole countries" like Haiti and those in Africa. This, understandably, upset a lot of people and only caused more problems with the DACA debate. Will they be able to agree on an immigration deal? We'll see. Trump's State of the Union address is in two weeks, but many Democrats are vowing to boycott. Steve Bannon has been subpoenaed by Robert Mueller as his bad month continues. Finally, Sara Huckabee Sanders may be in violation of federal regulations, but we doubt the White House cares.