Episode 21: Investigations, Reforms & Canceling Recess

Last week, The Washington Post reported that Trump is under investigation, but his lawyer says it's fake news. Who should we believe? Health care reform is on going, but nobody seems to know what's in the bill. The GOP is considering canceling August recess to help advance their agenda since things have been moving at a snail's pace on Congress. They are also ready to go after Loretta Lynch to take some of the heat of the White House. Finally, Megyn Kelly interviewed Alex Jones & he's as nutty as we thought.

Episode 12: Elections, Logs, Protests, Ratings & Wikileaks

Today was the special election for Georgia's 6th district and the race is still too close to call! President Trump was up to his usual antics with week, tweeting about Russia, China, elections & the media. The White House rolled back the Obama administration's policy of making most visitor logs available. Numerous tax day rallies were held across the country calling & some got violent. Also, Trump is excited that half the country disapproves of him, Don Jr. shares his fake news shirt & the director if the CIA changes his tune on Wikileaks.