Episode 18: Scores, Budgets & International Incidents

After his first foreign trip, Donald Trump is back...and so are his tweets. The CBO finally scored the American Health Care Act & it's as bad as we thought. The administration released more info on their proposed budget & it's also as bad as we thought. Jared Kushner might be in more trouble than we thought. Finally, Trump's trip overseas wasn't great, but it could have been worse.

Episode 8: Adios American Health Care Act, Trump in Time, Devin's Mistake, Schumer's Filibuster & Ivanka's Husband

Last week was rough for President Trump. His health care bill went down in flames and his interview in Time magazine was rambling. At least Devin Nunes' press conference wasn't weird...whoops. Well, I'm sure Chuck Schumer's filibuster will work out and that tax reform will go better than health care. Well...there's always next week.

Episode 5: Discussing Health Care Reform on America's Healthcare Challenge

Friend and CEO of E.D. Bellis, Sean McGuire, invited Jesse on his radio show "America's Healthcare Challenge." They discuss the new American Health Care Act and what it means for lobbyists!

For more information on E.D. Bellis, visit http://healthreformexplained.com

Episode 4: Beauregard, TrumpCare, Wiretapping & Travel Ban 2.0

This episode we discuss the current state of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, the GOP's ACA replacement, Trump's crazy accusations regarding his predecessor and the administration's second attempt at a travel ban.